Knotweed Urban Farm is offering offering CSA memberships for 2012:
All-natural, chemical free vegetables and herbs, specializing in
heirloom and open-pollinated varieties.
Weekly pickups start May 18th and run through November 2nd. Full
shares and half shares are available.
Knotweed is a cooperatively operated urban farm, run by four
Pittsburgh farmers. Emily, Meg, Nick, and Paula Jean have 23 years
combined farming experience. We look forward to working our own farms
in the future.
This year, we are delighted to be growing on land at Wild Red's
Gardens, in Stanton Heights. The land was managed organically and
sustainably for the past 13 years as Mildred's Daughters Urban Farm,
by Barbara Kline and Randa Shannon.
The Shannon Family remains on the land and is building collaborative
relationships with local artists and musicians and activists as well
as with our farming group.